River's Casino 2022
// Van Slyck's Entertainment Lounge
Van Slyck’s is a lively entertainment lounge located just off the gaming floor at Rivers Casino & Resort and a premier location to enjoy live music and special events.
In 2022 Whiskey Highway was pleased to join the incomparable Kevin Richards and Wild Country 99.9, for three fun-filled events. Don't miss the next high-energy country rockin' show with your favorite Highwaymen at the amazing Van Slyck’s.
Check back here as we add more photos from River's Casino and Van Slyck’s Entertainment Lounge taken by the band members, the venue staff, and our promotion partners, as well as our families, fans, and friends.
Butler Park 2022
// Sand Lake Summerfest and Concert Series
Butler Park is the Sand Lake Town Park and is located at 107 Gettle Road in Averill Park , NY. Even when there is an event scheduled, like a fair or musical entertainment, there’s plenty for younger kids to do. Along with baby swings - the play structure for older kids also has unique pieces that you won’t see at other playgrounds. There is also a basketball court and many other equipment for some great outdoor fun and group activities.
If the Sand Lake / Averill Park area is the band's "home town", Butler Park is where we exercise our home-field-advantage. There is always a good time had by all.
Check back here as we add more photos from our shows at Butler Park in Sand Lake taken by the band members and our promotion partners, as well as our families, fans, and friends.